Пт, Август 23, 2013 - 8:30
When a new star appeared in the constellation Delphinus late last week, astronomers found its spectrum hinted at the apparition's true nature. Now known as Nova Delphini, its visible light spectrum near maximum...
Чт, Август 22, 2013 - 8:30
The prominent ridge of emission featured in this dramatic skyscape is cataloged as IC 5067. Part of a larger emission nebula with a distinctive shape, popularly called The Pelican Nebula, the ridge spans about 10 light-years following the
Чт, Август 22, 2013 - 1:16
В 2014 году исполняется 100 лет со дня рождения академика Якова Борисовича Зельдовича. Отдел астрофизики высоких энергий Института..
Ср, Август 21, 2013 - 22:55
Советский физик и астрофизик, академик (1958). Р. в Минске. В 1931 начал работать в Ин-те химической физики АН СССР, в 1964-1984 работал в Ин-те..
Ср, Август 21, 2013 - 7:30
Comet dust rained down on planet Earth earlier this month, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. While enjoying the anticipated space weather above Zhangbei Prairie, Hebei Province, China, astronomer Xiang...
Вт, Август 20, 2013 - 8:30
An unusual type of solar eclipse occurred last year. Usually it is the Earth's Moon that eclipses the Sun. Last June, most unusually, the planet Venus took a turn. Like a solar eclipse by the Moon, the phase of Venus became a..
Вт, Август 20, 2013 - 8:30
An unusual type of solar eclipse occurred last year. Usually it is the Earth's Moon that eclipses the Sun. Last June, most unusually, the planet Venus took a turn. Like a solar eclipse by the Moon, the phase of Venus became a..
Пн, Август 19, 2013 - 22:42
"Месторождения – порождение круговорота вещества в тектоносфере". Доктор физико-математических наук М.В. Родкин..
Пн, Август 19, 2013 - 8:30
Why would the sky still glow after sunset? Besides stars and the band of our Milky Way galaxy, the sky might glow because it contains either noctilucent clouds or aurora. Rare individually, both are visible in the above time lapse movie..
Вс, Август 18, 2013 - 9:30
Skylab was an orbiting laboratory launched by a Saturn V rocket in May 1973. Skylab, pictured above, was visited three times by NASA astronauts who sometimes stayed as long as two and a half months. Many scientific tests were..
Вс, Август 18, 2013 - 9:30
Skylab was an orbiting laboratory launched by a Saturn V rocket in May 1973. Skylab, pictured above, was visited three times by NASA astronauts who sometimes stayed as long as two and a half months. Many scientific tests were..
Сб, Август 17, 2013 - 8:30
This beautiful cosmic cloud is a popular stop on telescopic tours of the constellation Sagittarius. Eighteenth century cosmic tourist Charles Messier cataloged the bright nebula as M8. Modern day astronomers recognize the Lagoon Nebula..
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."