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Новости из категории: astronet

Milky Way above Atacama Salt Lagoon

Вт, Сентябрь 16, 2014 - 8:30

Galaxies, stars, and a serene reflecting pool combine to create this memorable land and skyscape. The featured panorama is a 12-image mosaic taken last month from the Salar de Atacama salt flat in northern Chile. The calm water is

62 Kilometers above Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko

Пн, Сентябрь 15, 2014 - 8:30

Spacecraft Rosetta continues to approach, circle, and map Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Crossing the inner Solar System for ten years to reach the vicinity of the comet last month, the robotic spacecraft continues to image the unusual

M27: The Dumbbell Nebula

Вс, Сентябрь 14, 2014 - 7:30

The first hint of what will become of our Sun was discovered inadvertently in 1764. At that time, Charles Messier was compiling a list of diffuse objects not to be confused with comets.

Median Mashup: Hubble s Top 100

Сб, Сентябрь 13, 2014 - 8:30

Now, as you sip your cosmic latte you can view 100 Hubble Space Telescope images at the same time. The popular scenes of the cosmos as captured from low Earth orbit are all combined into this single digital presentation. To make it,

Астрономическая неделя с 15 по 21 сентября 2014 года

Пт, Сентябрь 12, 2014 - 11:56

На данной неделе произойдет покрытие на 2 секунды звезды эта Близнецов (3,3m) астероидом (1061) Paeonia при видимости, в том числе, в..

Supernova Remnant Puppis A

Пт, Сентябрь 12, 2014 - 7:30

Driven by the explosion of a massive star, supernova remnant Puppis A is blasting into the surrounding interstellar medium about 7,000 light-years away. At that distance, this remarkable false-color exploration of its complex expansion is..

Zodiacal Light before Dawn

Чт, Сентябрь 11, 2014 - 7:30

You might not guess it, but sunrise was still hours away when this nightscape was taken, a view along the eastern horizon from a remote location in Chile's Atacama desert. Stretching high into...

Laniakea: Our Home Supercluster of Galaxies

Ср, Сентябрь 10, 2014 - 7:30

It is not only one of the largest structures known -- it is our home. The just-identified Laniakea Supercluster of galaxies contains thousands of galaxies that includes our Milky Way Galaxy, the Local Group of galaxies, and the entire..

An Aurora Cupcake with a Milky Way Topping

Вт, Сентябрь 09, 2014 - 7:30

This sky looked delicious. Double auroral ovals were captured above the town lights of жstersund, Sweden, last week. Pictured above, the green ovals occurred lower to the ground than violet aurora rays above, making the whole display..

Super Moon vs Micro Moon

Пн, Сентябрь 08, 2014 - 7:30

What is so super about tomorrow's supermoon? Tomorrow, a full moon will occur that appears slightly larger and brighter than usual. The reason is that the Moon's fully illuminated phase occurs within a short time from perigee - when the Moon..

Full Moon Silhouettes

Вс, Сентябрь 07, 2014 - 8:30

Have you ever watched the Moon rise? The slow rise of a nearly full moon over a clear horizon can be an impressive sight. One impressive moonrise was imaged in early 2013 over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand.

Moonbow Beach

Сб, Сентябрь 06, 2014 - 8:30

Like a rainbow at night, a beautiful moonbow shines above the western horizon in this deserted beach scene from Molokai Island, Hawaii, USA, planet Earth. Captured last June 17 in early morning hours, the lights along the horizon are from..

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СибАстро — 2024

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Антон в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."

Стас Короткий в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "

Стас Короткий в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."

Михаил в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Мы всё вымрем как динозавры :) "