Чт, Май 05, 2016 - 7:30
Near first quarter, the Moon in March lights this snowy, rugged landscape, a view across the top of Tenerife toward La Palma in the Canary Islands Spanish archipelago. The large Teide volcano, the highest point in Spain, looms over the..
Ср, Май 04, 2016 - 7:30
This coming Monday, Mercury will cross the face of the Sun, as seen from Earth. Called a transit, the last time this happened was in 2006. Because the plane of Mercury's orbit is not exactly coincident with the plane of..
Вт, Май 03, 2016 - 7:30
It was bright and green and stretched across the sky. This striking aurora display was captured last month just outside of жstersund, Sweden. Six photographic fields were merged to create the featured panorama spanning almost 180..
Вт, Май 03, 2016 - 2:19
Очередной выпуск бесплатного электронно-печатного издания для любителей
Пн, Май 02, 2016 - 8:30
Where is NASA's rover Curiosity going on Mars? Its geographical goals are on the slopes of Mount Sharp, whose peak is seen in the background on the right. A key scientific goal, however, remains to better assess when and where conditions..
Вс, Май 01, 2016 - 8:30
Have you contemplated your home star recently? Featured here, a Sun partially eclipsed on the top left by the Moon is also seen eclipsed by earthlings contemplating the eclipse below. The spectacular menagerie...
Сб, Апрель 30, 2016 - 8:30
Makemake, second brightest dwarf planet of the Kuiper belt, has a moon. Nicknamed MK2, Makemake's moon reflects sunlight with a charcoal-dark surface, about 1,300 times fainter than its parent body. Still...
Пт, Апрель 29, 2016 - 17:18
На данной неделе Меркурий заканчивает вечернюю видимость, Луна проходит нисходящий узел орбиты, метеорный поток эта-Аквариды из..
Пт, Апрель 29, 2016 - 12:58
Пт, Апрель 29, 2016 - 8:30
If you could only see gamma-rays, photons with up to a billion or more times the energy of visible light, the Moon would be brighter than the Sun! That startling notion underlies this novel...
Чт, Апрель 28, 2016 - 23:11
Прохождение Меркурия по диску Солнца 9 мая 2016 года - единственный шанс для многих, пронаблюдать это явление в мае. В следующий раз..
Чт, Апрель 28, 2016 - 8:30
The combined light of stars along the Milky Way are reflected by these cosmic dust clouds that soar some 300 light-years or so above the plane of our galaxy. Dubbed the Angel Nebula, the faint apparition is part of an expansive complex of..
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."