Сб, Январь 06, 2018 - 8:30
Lately, bright Jupiter and fainter Mars have been easy to spot for early morning skygazers. Before dawn on January 7 the two naked-eye planets will reach a close conjunction near the horizon, only 1/4 degree apart in predawn eastern skies...
Пт, Январь 05, 2018 - 10:04
На данной неделе Венера пройдет верхнее соединение с Солнцем. В середине недели Луна (Ф= 0,27-) пройдет близ Юпитера и Марса, а также..
Пт, Январь 05, 2018 - 9:30
A jewel of the southern sky, the Great Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, is one of our galaxy's largest star forming regions. Easily visible to the unaided eye it stands high...
Чт, Январь 04, 2018 - 8:30
Крабовидная туманность занесена в каталог под номером M1 – это первый объект в знаменитом списке "не комет", составленном Шарлем..
Чт, Январь 04, 2018 - 7:30
The Crab Nebula is cataloged as M1, the first on Charles Messier's famous list of things which are not comets. In fact, the Crab is now known to be a supernova remnant, an expanding cloud of debris from the explosion of a massive star.
Ср, Январь 03, 2018 - 8:30
Will our Sun look like this one day? The Helix Nebula is one of brightest and closest examples of a planetary nebula, a gas cloud created at the end of the life of a Sun-like star.
Вт, Январь 02, 2018 - 22:12
Очередной выпуск бесплатного электронно-печатного издания для любителей астрономии
Вт, Январь 02, 2018 - 8:30
Why does the Perseus galaxy cluster shine so strangely in one specific color of X-rays? No one is sure, but a much-debated hypothesis holds that these X-rays are a clue to the long-sought identity of dark matter.
Пн, Январь 01, 2018 - 8:30
What's happened to the Sun? Sometimes it looks like the Sun is being viewed through a giant lens. In the featured video, however, there are actually millions of tiny lenses: ice crystals. Water may freeze in the atmosphere into..
Вс, Декабрь 31, 2017 - 8:30
What would it be like to fly free in space? At about 100 meters from the cargo bay of the space shuttle Challenger, Bruce McCandless II was living the dream -- floating farther out than anyone had ever been before. Guided by a
Сб, Декабрь 30, 2017 - 8:30
Get out your red/blue glasses and check out this stereo scene from Taurus-Littrow valley on the Moon! The color anaglyph features a detailed 3D view of Apollo 17's Lunar Rover in the foreground -- behind it lies the Lunar Module and
Пт, Декабрь 29, 2017 - 22:05
На данной неделе в первый день нового года Луна (Ф= 1,0) достигнет перигея своей орбиты на расстоянии 356567км (самая большая Луна в году) от..
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."