Сб, Май 12, 2018 - 8:30
A recent informal poll found that astronomers don't yet have a good collective noun for a group of black holes, but they need one. The red circles in this Chandra Observatory X-ray image identify a group of a dozen black holes that are..
Пт, Май 11, 2018 - 20:41
На данной неделе начинается сезон серебристых облаков, которые появляются на фоне вечерних и утренних сумерек. Если же вечерние..
Пт, Май 11, 2018 - 8:30
This pretty cosmic cloud lies some 1,500 light-years away, it shape and color reminiscent of a blue robin's egg. It spans about 3 light-years, nested securely within the boundaries of the southern constellation Fornax.
Чт, Май 10, 2018 - 8:30
Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice...
Чт, Май 10, 2018 - 7:30
Large galaxies grow by eating small ones. Even our own galaxy practices galactic cannibalism, absorbing small galaxies that get too close and are captured by the Milky Way's gravity. In fact, the practice...
Ср, Май 09, 2018 - 8:30
How was the unusual Red Rectangle nebula created? At the nebula's center is an aging binary star system that surely powers the nebula but does not, as yet, explain its colors. The unusual...
Вт, Май 08, 2018 - 8:30
How far can you see? Everything you can see, and everything you could possibly see, right now, assuming your eyes could detect all types of radiations around you -- is the observable universe. In visible...
Пн, Май 07, 2018 - 8:30
Why is there a large boulder near the center of Tycho's peak? Tycho crater on the Moon is one of the easiest features to see, visible even to the unaided eye (inset, lower right). But at the center of Tycho (inset, upper left) is a..
Вс, Май 06, 2018 - 7:30
Иногда виды земли и неба бывают особенно прекрасными. На переднем плане этого пейзажа запечатлен Брайс-каньон в американском..
Вс, Май 06, 2018 - 7:30
Sometimes land and sky are both busy and beautiful. The landscape pictured in the foreground encompasses Bryce Canyon in Utah, USA, famous for its many interesting rock structures eroded over millions of years.
Сб, Май 05, 2018 - 8:30
Stickney Crater, the largest crater on the martian moon Phobos, is named for Chloe Angeline Stickney Hall, mathematician and wife of astronomer Asaph Hall. Asaph Hall discovered both the Red Planet's moons in 1877.
Пт, Май 04, 2018 - 17:20
На данной неделе Луна (Ф= 0,56-) достигнет нисходящего узла своей орбиты (7 мая), а 8 мая астероид Евномия окажется в противостоянии с..
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."