Вт, Май 25, 2021 - 8:30
How does the Moon's appearance change during a total lunar eclipse? The featured time-lapse video was digitally processed to keep the Moon bright and centered during the 5-hour eclipse of 2018 January 31. At first the full moon is..
Пн, Май 24, 2021 - 8:30
Thunderstorms almost spoiled this view of the spectacular 2011 June 15 total lunar eclipse. Instead, storm clouds parted for 10 minutes during the total eclipse phase and lightning bolts contributed to the dramatic sky.
Вс, Май 23, 2021 - 8:30
First came the trees. In the town of Salamanca, Spain, the photographer noticed how distinctive a grove of oak trees looked after being pruned. Next came the galaxy. The photographer stayed up until 2 am, waiting until the
Сб, Май 22, 2021 - 8:30
Near the heart of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster the string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain stretches across this deep telescopic field of view. Anchored in the frame at bottom center by prominent lenticular galaxies, M84 (bottom) and..
Пт, Май 21, 2021 - 8:30
Expansive Utopia Planitia on Mars is strewn with rocks and boulders in this 1976 image. Constructed from the Viking 2 lander's color and black and white image data, the scene approximates the appearance of the high northern martian plain..
Пт, Май 21, 2021 - 8:18
Очередной выпуск ежемесячника, освещающего астрономические явления и небесные тела, доступные для наблюдений..
Пт, Май 21, 2021 - 8:16
На данной неделе 26 мая произойдет полное лунное затмение (видимость в восточных районах страны) близ нисходящего узла лунной орбиты
Чт, Май 20, 2021 - 8:30
In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent." Of course...
Ср, Май 19, 2021 - 7:30
Normally faint and elusive, the Jellyfish Nebula is caught in this alluring scene. In the telescopic field of view two bright yellowish stars, Mu and Eta Geminorum, stand just below and above the Jellyfish Nebula at the left. Cool red..
Вт, Май 18, 2021 - 8:30
What celestial body wears the Necklace Nebula? First, analyses indicate that the Necklace is a planetary nebula, a gas cloud emitted by a star toward the end of its life. Also, what appears to be diamonds in the Necklace are..
Пн, Май 17, 2021 - 8:30
Is our Milky Way Galaxy this thin? Magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile, bright NGC 4565 is a stop on many telescopic tours of the northern sky,
Вс, Май 16, 2021 - 7:30
The clouds may look like an oyster, and the stars like pearls, but look beyond. Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some 200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster NGC 602.
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."