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Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны! (4)

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Новости из категории: astronet

Total Totality

Пт, Апрель 12, 2024 - 17:30

Baily's beads often appear at the boundaries of the total phase of an eclipse of the Sun. Pearls of sunlight still beaming through gaps in the rugged terrain along the lunar limb silhouette, their appearance is recorded in this dramatic..

Eclipse in Seven

Чт, Апрель 11, 2024 - 10:30

Start at the upper left above and you can follow the progress of April 8's total eclipse of the Sun in seven sharp, separate exposures. The image sequence was recorded with a telescope and camera located within the narrow path of totality as..

APOD: 2024 April 10 Б Planets Around a Total Eclipse

Ср, Апрель 10, 2024 - 7:30

What wonders appear when the Moon blocks the Sun? For many eager observers of MondayБs total eclipse of the Sun, the suddenly dark sky included the expected corona and two (perhaps surprise) planets: Venus and Jupiter.

Тень Луны над озером Магог

Вт, Апрель 09, 2024 - 8:30

На фотографии запечатлен приход лунной тени к озеру Магог в провинции Квебек в Северной Америке на планете Земля 8 апреля. Для..

APOD: 2024 April 9 Б Moon Shadow over Lake Magog

Вт, Апрель 09, 2024 - 7:30

Captured in this snapshot, the shadow of the Moon came to Lake Magog, Quebec, North America, planet Earth on April 8. For the lakeside eclipse chasers, the much anticipated total solar eclipse was a spectacle to behold in briefly dark, but..

APOD: 2024 April 8 Б The Changing Ion Tail of Comet Pons Brooks

Пн, Апрель 08, 2024 - 10:30

How does a comet tail change? It depends on the comet. The ion tail of Comet 12P/PonsБBrooks has been changing markedly, as detailed in the featured image sequenced over nine days from March 6 to 14 (top to bottom).

APOD: 2024 April 8 Б The Changing Ion Tail of Comet Pons Brooks

Пн, Апрель 08, 2024 - 10:30

How does a comet tail change? It depends on the comet. The ion tail of Comet 12P/PonsБBrooks has been changing markedly, as detailed in the featured image sequenced over nine days from March 6 to 14 (top to bottom).

APOD: 2024 April 7 Б A Total Solar Eclipse over Wyoming

Вс, Апрель 07, 2024 - 8:30

Will the sky be clear enough to see the eclipse? This question is already on the minds of many North Americans hoping to see tomorrow's solar eclipse. This question was also on the mind of many people attempting to see the total solar..

Unwinding M51

Сб, Апрель 06, 2024 - 8:30

The arms of a grand design spiral galaxy 60,000 light-years across are unwound in this digital transformation of the magnificent 2005 Hubble Space Telescope portrait of M51. In fact...

The Solar Corona Unwrapped

Пт, Апрель 05, 2024 - 8:30

Changes in the alluring solar corona are detailed in this creative composite image mapping the dynamic outer atmosphere of the Sun during two separate total solar eclipses. Unwrapped from the complete circle...

Comet Pons-Brooks at Night

Чт, Апрель 04, 2024 - 14:30

In dark evening skies over June Lake, northern hemisphere, planet Earth, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks stood just above the western horizon on March 30. Its twisted turbulent ion tail and diffuse greenish coma are captured in this two degree wide..

APOD: 2024 April 3 Б Unusual Nebula Pa 30

Ср, Апрель 03, 2024 - 9:30

What created this unusual celestial firework? The nebula, dubbed Pa 30, appears in the same sky direction now as a bright "guest star" did in the year 1181. Although Pa 30's filaments look...

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Антон в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."

Стас Короткий в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "

Стас Короткий в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."

Михаил в Астероид 2012 DA14 пролетит в 14 раз ближе Луны!

"Мы всё вымрем как динозавры :) "