Сб, Июль 30, 2022 - 11:11
img src="http://images.astronet.ru/pubd/2022/07/30/0001843119/125692-5ce9e-108952107--u71ce1.small.jpg" class="title" width="150" height="100" border="1" vspace="3" hspace="10" alt="13 августа 2022: IX городской..
Сб, Июль 30, 2022 - 10:30
Get out your red/blue glasses and check out this stereo view from lunar orbit. The 3D anaglyph was created from two photographs (AS11-44-6633, AS11-44-6634) taken by astronaut Michael Collins during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission.
Пт, Июль 29, 2022 - 23:30
SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, is a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a large reflecting telescope into the stratosphere. The ability of the airborne facility to climb above about 99 percent of Earth's..
Пт, Июль 29, 2022 - 23:30
SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, is a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a large reflecting telescope into the stratosphere. The ability of the airborne facility to climb above about 99 percent of Earth's..
Пт, Июль 29, 2022 - 10:40
На данной неделе 2 августа Марс пройдет полутора градусах южнее Урана, а 3 августа произойдет покрытие Луной (Ф= 0,31+) звезды тета Девы при..
Пт, Июль 29, 2022 - 10:40
На данной неделе 2 августа Марс пройдет полутора градусах южнее Урана, а 3 августа произойдет покрытие Луной (Ф= 0,31+) звезды тета Девы при..
Чт, Июль 28, 2022 - 8:30
An ancient tree seems to reach out and touch Earth's North Celestial Pole in this well-planned night skyscape. Consecutive exposures for the timelapse composition were recorded with a camera fixed to a tripod in the Yiwu Desert Poplar..
Чт, Июль 28, 2022 - 8:30
An ancient tree seems to reach out and touch Earth's North Celestial Pole in this well-planned night skyscape. Consecutive exposures for the timelapse composition were recorded with a camera fixed to a tripod in the Yiwu Desert Poplar..
Ср, Июль 27, 2022 - 8:30
This moon made quite an entrance. Typically, a moonrise is quiet and serene. Taking a few minutes to fully peek above the horizon, Earth's largest orbital companion can remain relatively obscure until it rises high in the nighttime..
Вт, Июль 26, 2022 - 8:30
This sight was worth getting out of bed early. Two years ago this month, Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) rose before dawn to the delight of northern sky enthusiasts awake that early. Up before sunrise...
Пн, Июль 25, 2022 - 8:30
Can you find the Moon? This usually simple task can be quite difficult. Even though the Moon is above your horizon half of the time, its phase can be anything from crescent to full.
Пн, Июль 25, 2022 - 7:30
Can you find the Moon? This usually simple task can be quite difficult. Even though the Moon is above your horizon half of the time, its phase can be anything from crescent to full.
"Михаил, обязательно, но только не в ближайшее время))) "
"Новые уточнения: астероид пролетит в 34 000 км от Земли (на 6000 км дальше,.."
"Обязательно будем наблюдать! ;) "
"Люди не надо паниковать.Сколько существует человек( около 2 млн. лет).."